MLA Retinal trials begin

iTRAK® is very excited to announce we have gained support from MLA and the MLA Donor Company to undertake proof of concept trials on using Retinal Scanning to identify cattle.

Although there have been some delays due to COVID restrictions, we anticipate completing these trials in June 2022.

iTRAK® Operations Manager, Simon Winter said, “We are very pleased to be working with MLA and the Donor Company to progress these important trails. The aim of the project is to conduct a proof-of-concept pilot using retinal scanning for individual animal identification, which was originally developed in the US for security purposes. iTRAK® has the global rights to the technology to develop it for animal applications."

“This is an initial trial to demonstrate that the technology can be used on cattle, as a first step in assessing its application to the livestock sector, identify any challenges to its use and to identify next steps in commercialising it in the livestock industries."

“Using computers to monitor and record animal movements could greatly reduce human labour and costs associated with NLIS compliance."


Vet Advisor joins iTRAK®


evokeAG 2021 ‘Start-up Network’